MN Yigitbasi, A Iosup, DHJ Epema, S Osterman (2009), C-Meter: A framework for performance analysis of computing clouds, Th Gevers, HJ Bos, L Wolters (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 15-th ASCI Conference p.1-8, ASCI.

M Meulpolder, JA Pouwelse, DHJ Epema, HJ Sips (2009), Fully distributed freeriding prevention in the Tribler peer-to-peer network, Th Gevers, HJ Bos, L Wolters (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conf. of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging p.1-8, ASCI.

M Meulpolder, JA Pouwelse, DHJ Epema, HJ Sips (2009), Modeling and Analysis of Bandwidth-Inhomogeneous Swarms in BitTorrent, H Schulzrinne, K Aberer, A Datta (Eds.), In Proceedings of IEEE P2P 2009 p.232-241, IEEE/CS.

OO Sonmez, B Grundeken, HH Mohamed, A Iosup, DHJ Epema (2009), Scheduling Strategies for Cycle Scavenging in Multicluster Grid Systems, F Cappello, C Wang, R Buyya (Eds.), In 9th IEEE/ACM Int'l Symp. on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid) p.12-19, IEEE/CS.

JJD Mol, A Bakker, JA Pouwelse, DHJ Epema, HJ Sips (2009), The Design and Deployment of a BitTorrent Live Video Streaming Solution, In ISM 2009 p.-, IEEE/CS.

OO Sonmez, MN Yigitbasi, A Iosup, DHJ Epema (2009), Trace-based evaluation of job runtime and queue wait time predictions in grids, D Kranzmuller, A Bode, HG Hegering, H Casanova, M Gerndt (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing p.111-120, ACM.

C Stratan, A Iosup, DHJ Epema (2008), A Performance Study of Grid Workflow Engines, s.n. (Eds.), In Proc. of the 2008 9th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid (Grid 2008) p.25-32, IEEE.

Michel Meulpolder, Johan Pouwelse, Dick Epema, Henk Sips (2008), BarterCast: Fully Distributed Sharing-Ratio Enforcement in BitTorrent, Delft University of Technology.

PJ Garbacki, DHJ Epema, M van der Steen (2008), Broker Placement in Latency-Aware Peer-to-Peer Networks, In Computer Networks Volume 52 p.1617-1633.

JA Pouwelse, J Yang, M Meulpolder, DHJ Epema, HJ Sips (2008), Buddycast: an Operational Peer-to-Peer Epidemic Protocol Stack, GJM Smit, DHJ Epema, MS Lew (Eds.), In Proc. of the 14th Annual Conf. of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging p.200-205, ASCI.