HH Mohamed, DHJ Epema (2004), An evaluation of the close-to-files processor and data co-allocation policy in multiclusters, In Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International conference on cluster computing p.287-298, IEEE.

I Fernández Díaz, DHJ Epema, JFCM de Jongh (2004), Multipath routing and multiple description coding in ad-hoc networks: a simulation study, In Proceedings of the 1st ACM international workshop on Performance evaluation of wireless ad hoc, sensor, and ubiquitous networks p.46-51, ACM.

T Kalker, DHJ Epema, P.H. Hartel, RL Lagendijk, M van Steen (2004), Music2Share - Copyright-compliant music sharing in P2P systems, In Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Proceedings Volume 92 p.961-970.

JA Pouwelse, JR Taal, RL Lagendijk, DHJ Epema, HJ Sips (2004), Real-time video delivery using peer-to-peer Bartering networks and multiple description coding, W Thissen, P Wieringa, M Pantic, M Ludema (Eds.), In 2004 IEEE international conference on systems, man and Cybernetics p.4599-4605, IEEE.

S Banen, AID Bucur, DHJ Epema (2003), A measurement-based simulation study of processor co-allocation in multicluster systems, In Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 2862 p.105-128.

AID Bucur, DHJ Epema (2003), Priorities among multiple queues for processor co-allocation in multicluster systems, R Bilof (Eds.), In ANSS-36 2003; proceedings 36th annual simualation symposium p.15-27, IEEE.

AID Bucur, DHJ Epema (2003), The maximal utilization of processor co-allocation in multicluster systems, B Werner (Eds.), In Proceedings international parallel and distributed processing symposium p.60-69, IEEE.

AID Bucur, DHJ Epema (2003), The performance of processor co-allocation in multicluster systems, s.n. (Eds.), In CCGrid 2003 Third IEEE/ACM international symposium on cluster computing and the grid p.302-309, IEEE.

AID Bucur, DHJ Epema (2003), Trace-based simulations of processor co-allocation policies in multiclusters, s.n. (Eds.), In HPDC 2003 Proceedings of the Twelfth IEEE international symposium on high performance distributed computing p.70-79, IEEE.

AID Bucur, DHJ Epema (2002), An evaluation of processor co-allocation for different system configurations and job structures, A Ferreira De Souza, CL de Amorim, N Costa Reis Jr (Eds.), In Proceedings 14th symposium on computer architecture and high performance computing p.195-203, IEEE.