D Gkorou, T Vinko, NJ Chiluka, JA Pouwelse, DHJ Epema (2012), Reducing the History in Decentralized Interaction-Based Reputation Systems, In IFIP Networking p.238-251, Springer.

BI Ghit, MN Yigitbasi, DHJ Epema (2012), Resource Management for Dynamic MapReduce Clusters in Multicluster Systems, In Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Many-Task Computing on Grids and Supercomputers (MTAGS) p.1-8, IEEE.

R Delaviz Aghbolagh, N Andrade, JA Pouwelse, DHJ Epema (2012), SybilRes: A Sybil-resilient Flow-Based Decentralized Reputation Mechanism, sn (Eds.), In IEEE 32nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS) p.203-213, IEEE.

R Delaviz Aghbolagh, JA Pouwelse, DHJ Epema (2012), Targeted and scalable information dissemination in a distributed reputation mechanism, sn (Eds.), In Proceedings of the seventh ACM Workshop on Scalable Trusted Computing (ACM STC) p.55-66, ACM.

AL Jia, L d' Acunto, M Meulpolder, JA Pouwelse, DHJ Epema (2011), BitTorrent's Dilemma: Enhancing Reciprocity or Reducing Inequity, M Kolberg (Eds.), In IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC '11) p.705-709, IEEE.

R Petrocco, M Eberhard, JA Pouwelse, DHJ Epema (2011), Deftpack: A Robust Piece-Picking Algorithm for Scalable Video Coding in P2P Systems, sn (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM) p.285-292, IEEE.

AL Jia, R Rahman, T Vinko, JA Pouwelse, DHJ Epema (2011), Fast Download but Eternal Seeding: The Reward and Punishment of Sharing Ratio Enforcement, T Asami, T Higashino, A Ghodsi (Eds.), In 2011 IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P11) p.280-289, IEEE.

A Iosup, DHJ Epema (2011), Grid Computing Workloads, In IEEE Internet Computing Volume 15 p.19-26.

B Zhang, A Iosup, JA Pouwelse, DHJ Epema (2011), Identifying, analyzing, and modeling flashcrowds in BitTorrent, T Asami, T Higashino, A Ghodsi, et al. (Eds.), In Proceedings 2011 IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing p.240-249, IEEE.

MN Yigitbasi, L Mummert, P Pillai, DHJ Epema (2011), Incremental Placement of Interactive Perception Applications, B Maccabe, D Thain (Eds.), In 20th International Symposium on High-Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-2011) p.123-134, ACM.