Robert Birke, Evangelia Kalyvianaki, Walter Binder, Martin Schmatz, Lydia Y. Chen (2016), Dynamic block sizing for data stream processing systems, In Proceedings - 2016 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering Workshops, IC2EW 2016 p.216-222, IEEE.
Andrej Podzimek, Lubomír Bulej, Lydia Y. Chen, Walter Binder, Petr Tůma (2016), Robust partial-load experiments with Showstopper, In Future Generation Computer Systems Volume 64 p.15-38.
Diarmuid Grimes, Deepak Mehta, Barry Osullivan, Robert Birke, Lydia Chen, Thomas Scherer, Ignacio Castineiras (2016), Robust server consolidation: Coping with peak demand underestimation, In Proceedings - 2016 IEEE 24th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, MASCOTS 2016 p.271-276, IEEE.
Robert Birke, Andrej Podzimek, Lydia Y. Chen, Evgenia Smirni (2016), Virtualization in the Private Cloud: State of the Practice, In IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management Volume 13 p.608-621.
Sebastiano Spicuglia, Mathias Bjorkqvist, Lydia Y. Chen, Walter Binder (2015), Catching the response time tail in the cloud, In Proceedings of the 2015 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, IM 2015 p.572-577, IEEE.
Yijun Ying, Robert Birke, Cheng Wang, Lydia Y. Chen, Gautam Natarajan (2015), On energy-aware allocation and execution for batch and interactive MapReduce, In Performance Evaluation Review Volume 42 p.22-30.
Sebastiano Spicuglia, Lydia Y. Chen, Robert Birke, Walter Binder (2015), Optimizing capacity allocation for big data applications in cloud datacenters, In Proceedings of the 2015 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, IM 2015 p.511-517, IEEE.
Cheng Wang, Neda Nasiriani, George Kesidis, Bhuvan Urgaonkar, Qian Wang, Lydia Y. Chen, Aayush Gupta, Robert Birke (2015), Recouping energy costs from cloud tenants: Tenant demand response aware pricing design, In e-Energy 2015 - Proceedings of the 2015 ACM 6th International Conference on Future Energy Systems p.141-150, ACM.