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Abdulrahman Kaitoua, Tilmann Rabl, Asterios Katsifodimos, Volker Markl (2019), Muses: Distributed data migration system for polystores, In 2019 IEEE 35th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) p.1602-1605, IEEE.
Felipe Moraes, Claudia Hauff (2019), Node-indri: Moving the indri toolkit to the modern web stack, Norbert Fuhr, Leif Azzopardi, Djoerd Hiemstra, Claudia Hauff, Benno Stein, Philipp Mayr (Eds.), In Advances in Information Retrieval p.241-245, Springer.
Felipe Moraes, Kilian Grashoff, Claudia Hauff (2019), On the impact of group size on collaborative search effectiveness, In Information Retrieval Journal Volume 22 p.476–498.
Bruno L. Pereira, Alberto Ueda, Gustavo Penha, Rodrygo L.T. Santos, Nivio Ziviani (2019), Online learning to rank for sequential music recommendation, In RecSys 2019 - 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems p.237-245, ACM.
Asterios Katsifodimos, Marios Fragkoulis (2019), Operational stream processing: Towards scalable and consistent event-driven applications, Berthold Reinwald, Helena Galhardas, Irini Fundulaki, Melanie Herschel, Zoi Kaoudi, Carsten Binnig (Eds.), In Advances in Database Technology - EDBT 2019 Volume 2019-March p.682-685,
Ryan Clancy, Nicola Ferro, Claudia Hauff, Jimmy Lin, Tetsuya Sakai, Ze Zhong Wu (2019), Overview of the 2019 open-source IR replicability challenge (OSIRRC 2019), Ryan Clancy, Nicola Ferro, Claudia Hauff, Jimmy Lin, Tetsuya Sakai , Ze Zhong Wu (Eds.), In OSIRRC 2019 The Open-Source IR Replicability Challenge p.1-7, CEUR-WS.
Manuel Valle Torre, Mengmeng Ye, Christoph Lofi (2019), Perceptual relational attributes: Navigating and discovering shared perspectives from user-generated reviews, Torsten Grust, Felix Naumann, Alexander Bohm, Wolfgang Lehner, Theo Harder, Erhard Rahm, Andreas Heuer, Meike Klettke, Holger Meyer (Eds.), In Datenbanksysteme fur Business, Technologie und Web, BTW 2019 and 18. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme", DBIS 2019 Volume P-289 p.169-189, Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI).
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Philipp M. Grulich, Jonas Traub, Sebastian Bress, Asterios Katsifodimos, Volker Markl, Tilmann Rabl (2019), Poster: Generating Reproducible Out-of-Order Data Streams, In DEBS 2019 - Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-Based Systems p.256-257, ACM.