J Choi, C Hauff, O van Laere, B Thomee (2015), The placing task at MediaEval 2015, M Larson, B Ionescu, M Sjoberg, X Anguera, J Poignant, M Riegler, M Eskevich, C Hauff, R Sutcliffe, GJF Jones, YH Yang, M Soleymani, S Papadopoulos (Eds.), In Proceedings of the MediaEval 2015 Workshop p.1-2, CEUR-WS.
Nugroho Dwi Prasetyo, Claudia Hauff (2015), Twitter-based election prediction in the developing world, In HT '15 Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext & Social Media p.149-158.
Dirk Guijt, Claudia Hauff (2015), Using Query-Log based Collective Intelligence to Generate Query Suggestions for Tagged Content Search, In ICWE '15: Engineering the Web in the Big Data Era p.165-181.
M Balduini, S Bocconi, A Bozzon, E Della Valle, Y Huang, JEG Oosterman, T Palpanas, M Tsytsarau (2014), A case study of active, continuous and predictive social media analytics for smart city, T Omitola, J Breslin, P Barnaghi (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Semantics for Smarter Cities p.31-46, CEUR-WS.
Alessandro Bozzon, Hariton Efstathiades, Geert Jan Houben, Robert Jan Sips (2014), A study of the online profile of enterprise users in professional social networks, In WWW 2014 Companion - Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web p.487-492, ACM.
JLG Dietz, D Aveiro, J Pombinho, JAP Hoogervorst (2014), An ontology for the ¿-theory of enterprise engineering, P Garbacz, O Kutz (Eds.), In Formal ontology in information systems, p.386-395, IOS Press.
J Yang, C Hauff, A Bozzon, GJPM Houben (2014), Asking the right question in collaborative q&a systems, L Ferres, G Rossi (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media p.179-189, ACM.
K Tao, C Hauff, GJPM Houben (2014), Building a microblog corpus for search result diversification, R Banchs, et al. (Eds.), In Proceedings of the Ninth Asia Information Retrieval Societies Conference p.251-262, Springer.
Jasper Oosterman, Alessandro Bozzon, Geert Jan Houben, Archana Nottamkandath, Chris Dijkshoorn, Lora Aroyo, Mieke H R Leyssen, Myriam C. Traub (2014), Crowd vs. Experts: Nichesourcing for knowledge intensive tasks in cultural heritage, In WWW 2014 Companion - Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web p.567-568, ACM.
JEG Oosterman, A Nottamkandath, C Dijkshoorn, A Bozzon, GJPM Houben, L Aroyo (2014), Crowdsourcing knowledge-intensive tasks in cultural heritage, F Menczer, J Hendler, W Dutton (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 2014 ACM Conference on Web Science p.267-268, ACM.