Pasquale de Meo, Emilio ferrara, Fabian Abel, Lora Aroyo, Geert-Jan Houben (2013), Analyzing User Behavior across Social Sharing Environments, In ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology Volume 5 p.14:1-14:31.

VE Bozdag, Q Gao, ME Warnier, GJPM Houben (2013), Analyzing viewpoint diversity in twitter, N Kamal, S Fels, M Fergusson et al (Eds.), In Proceedings Workshop Designing Social Media for Change - CHI 2013 p.1-4, ACM.

F Abel, E Herder, GJPM Houben, N Henze, D Krause (2013), Cross-system User Modeling and Personalization on the Social Web, In User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction: the journal of personalization research Volume 23 p.169-209.

B Loni, MA Larson, A Bozzon, L Gottlieb (2013), Crowdsourcing for Social Multimedia at MediaEval 2013: Challenges, data set, and evaluation, M Larson, X Anguera (Eds.), In Proceedings of MediaEval 2013 p.1-2, CEUR-WS.

D Juric, L Hollink, GJPM Houben (2013), Discovering links between political debates and media, F Daniel, P Dolog, Q Li (Eds.), In Proceedings - 13th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2013) p.367-375, Springer.

Y Luo, GHL Fletcher, AJH Hidders, Y Wu, P de Bra (2013), External memory k-bisimulation reduction of big graphs, Q He, A Iyengar (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on information and knowledge management p.919-928, ACM.

JLG Dietz, J Filipe (2013), Foreword: 5th international conference on knowledge engineering and ontology development, J Dietz, J Filipe (Eds.), In Proceedings of 5th international conference on knowledge engineering and ontology development p.9-11, Springer.

K Tao, F Abel, C Hauff, GJPM Houben, U. Gadiraju (2013), Groundhog Day: Near-Duplicate Detection on Twitter, D Schwabe, V Almeida, H Glaser (Eds.), In Proceedings 22nd International World Wide Web Conference p.1273-1283, ACM.

GJPM Houben, N Koch, G Rossi, A Vallecillo (2013), Guest Editorial to the Theme on Model-Driven Web Engineering, In Software and Systems Modeling Volume 12 p.11-13.

E Momeni, K Tao, B Haslhofer, GJPM Houben (2013), Identification of useful user comments in social media: A case study on flickr commons, JS Downie, RH McDonald, TW Cole, R Sanderson, F Shipman (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 13th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries p.1-10, ACM.