M Clements, AP de Vries, JA Pouwelse, J Wang, MJT Reinders (2007), User-based recommendation in decentralized file sharing systems, F.W. Jansen, G.E.O. Pierre, C.J. Veenman, J.W.J. Heijnsdijk (Eds.), In Proceedings of the thirteenth annual conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging p.34-42, ASCI.

J Wang, JA Pouwelse, JE Fokker, MJT Reinders (2006), Personalization of a peer-to-peer television system, G Doukidis, K Chorianopoulos, G Lekakos (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 4th European conference on interactive television p.147-155, Athens University of Economics and Business.

JE Fokker, JA Pouwelse, W Buntine (2006), Tag-based navigation for peer-to-peer Wikipedia, E Adar, M Cafarella, E Cutrell, S Dumais, J Feinberg, E Gabrilovich, R Guha, Y Maarek, V Soroka (Eds.), In Proceedings of WWW 2006 15th International World Wide Web Conference p.-, WWW2006.org.

JE Fokker, W Buntine, JA Pouwelse, H de Ridder, PH Westendorp (2006), Tagging in peer-to-peer Wikipedia: a method to induce cooperation, M Beigbeder, W Buntine, WG Yee (Eds.), In OSIR 2006 Second Workshop on Open Source Information Retrieval p.39-45, ACM-SIGIR.

JA Pouwelse, PJ Garbacki, J Wang, A Bakker, J Yang, A Iosup, DHJ Epema, MJT Reinders, M van Steen, HJ Sips (2006), Tribler: a social-based peer-to-peer system, s.n. (Eds.), In website p.1-6, Microsoft Research.

A Iosup, P. Garbacki, JA Pouwelse, DHJ Epema (2005), A method taking fast and accurate geo* snapshots of large P2P networks, In Proc. of the 15th Intl. Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS-15) p.663-670.

A Iosup, PJ Garbacki, JA Pouwelse, DHJ Epema (2005), Analyzing BitTorrent: Three lessons from one-peer level view, BJA Kröse, HJ Bos, EA Hendriks, JWJ Heijnsdijk (Eds.), In ASCI 2005 Proceedings of the eleventh annual conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging p.96-103, ASCI.

J Wang, MJT Reinders, RL Lagendijk, JA Pouwelse (2005), Distributed collaborative filtering for peer-to-peer file sharing systems, BJA Kröse, HJ Bos, EA Hendriks, JWJ Heijnsdijk (Eds.), In ASCI 2005 - Proceedings of the eleventh annual conference of the advanced school for computing and imaging p.34-40, Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI).

JA Pouwelse, M van Slobbe, J Wang, MJT Reinders, HJ Sips (2005), P2P-based pvr recommendation using friends, taste buddies and superpeers, M Setten, S McNee, J Konstan (Eds.), In Proceedings of the workshop beyond personalization 2005 - A workshop on the next stage of recommender systems research (IUI2005) p.66-71, s.n..

J Wang, MJT Reinders, RL Lagendijk, JA Pouwelse (2005), Self-organizing distributed collaborative filtering, G Marchionini, A Moffat, J Tait, R Baeza-Yates, N Ziviani (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 28th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval p.659-659, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).