JA Pouwelse, PJ Garbacki, DHJ Epema, HJ Sips (2005), The Bittorrent P2P file-sharing system: Measurement and analysis, In Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 3640 p.205-216.

J Wang, MJT Reinders, JA Pouwelse, RL Lagendijk (2005), Wi-Fi Walkman: a wireless handhold that shares and recommends music on peer-to-peer networks, S Sudharsanan, S Bove, S Panchanathan (Eds.), In Proceedings of SPIE -IS&T Electronic Imaging 2005 p.155-163, SPIE.

JA Pouwelse, JR Taal, RL Lagendijk, DHJ Epema, HJ Sips (2004), Real-time video delivery using peer-to-peer Bartering networks and multiple description coding, W Thissen, P Wieringa, M Pantic, M Ludema (Eds.), In 2004 IEEE international conference on systems, man and Cybernetics p.4599-4605, IEEE.

JR Taal, JA Pouwelse, RL Lagendijk (2004), Scalable multiple description coding for video distribution in P2P networks, In Proceedings Picture Coding Symposium 2004 p.1-6.

JA Pouwelse, KG Langendoen, HJ Sips (2003), Application-directed voltage scaling, In IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems Volume 11 p.812-826.

JA Pouwelse (2003), Power management for portable devices, PhD Thesis Delft University of Technology.

JA Pouwelse, KG Langendoen, HJ Sips (2001), Dynamic voltage scaling on a low-power microprocessor, In Proceedings p.251-259, ACM SIGCOMM and SIGMETRICS.

JA Pouwelse, KG Langendoen, HJ Sips (2001), Energy priority scheduling for variable voltage processors, In ISLPED'01: proceedings p.28-33, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

JA Pouwelse, KG Langendoen, RL Lagendijk, HJ Sips (2001), Power-aware video decoding, In PCS-2001: proceedings p.303-306.

JA Pouwelse, KG Langendoen, HJ Sips (2000), Dynamic voltage scaling on a low-power microprocessor, RL Lagendijk (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 2nd international symposium on mobile multimedia systems and applications p.157-164, Delft University of Technology.