Paul Prinsloo, Sharon Slade, Mohammad Khalil (2018), Stuck in the Middle? Making Sense of the Impact of Micro, Meso and Macro Institutional, Structural and Organisational Factors on Implementing Learning Analytics, In the European Distance and E-Learning Network 2018 Annual Conference p.326-334.

Sepideh Mesbah, Christoph Lofi, Manuel Valle Torre, Alessandro Bozzon, Geert-Jan Houben (2018), TSE-NER: An Iterative Approach for Long-Tail Entity Extraction in Scientific Publications, D. Vrandečić, K. Bontcheva, M.C. Suárez-Figueroa, V. Presutti, I. Celino, M. Sabou, L.M Kaffee, E. Simperl (Eds.), In The Semantic Web – ISWC 2018 p.127-143, Springer.

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Dan Davis, René F. Kizilcec, Claudia Hauff, Geert-Jan Houben (2018), The Half-Life of MOOC Knowledge: A Randomized Trial Evaluating the Testing Effect in MOOCs, In LAK'18 Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge p.1-10, ACM.

Mohammad Khalil, Paul Prinsloo, Sharon Slade (2018), The unbearable lightness of consent: mapping MOOC providers' response to consent, Rose Luckin, Scot Klemmer, Kenneth Koedinger (Eds.), In L@S '18: Proceedings of the Fifth Annual ACM Conference on Learning at Scale.

Öykü Kapcak, Simone Spagnoli, Vincent Robbemond, Soumitri Vadali, Shabnam Najafian, Nava Tintarev (2018), TourExplain: A Crowdsourcing Pipeline for Generating Explanations for Groups of Tourists, Julia Neidhardt, Wolfgang Wörndl, Tsvi Kuflik, Markus Zanker (Eds.), In Proceedings of the Workshop on Recommenders in Tourism p.33-36, CEUR-WS.

Daniel Davis, Daniel Seaton, Claudia Hauff, Geert-Jan Houben (2018), Toward Large-scale Learning Design: Categorizing Course Designs in Service of Supporting Learning Outcomes, In L@S 2018 p.1-10, ACM.

Kishor Chandra, Andrea S. Marcano, Shahid Mumtaz, R. Venkatesha Prasad, Henrik L. Christiansen (2018), Unveiling Capacity Gains in Ultradense Networks: Using mm-Wave NOMA, In IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine Volume 13 p.75-83.

Achilleas Psyllidis (2018), Urban Analytics, In International Journal of Geographical Information Science p.2334-2335.

V. Gong, J. Yang, W. Daamen, A. Bozzon, S. Hoogendoorn, G. J. Houben (2018), Using Social Media for Attendees Density Estimation in City-Scale Events, In IEEE Access Volume 6 p.36325-36340.