EA Ilina, C Hauff, I Celik, F Abel, GJPM Houben (2012), Social Event Detection on Twitter, M Brambilla, T Tokuda, R Tolksdorf (Eds.), In ICWE 2012, Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Engineering p.169-176, Springer.

Y Luo, F Picalausa, GHL Fletcher, AJH Hidders (2012), Storing and Indexing Massive RDF Datasets, R de Virgillio, F Guerra, Y Velegrakis (Eds.), In Semantic Search over the Web p.31-60, Springer.

V Milea, F Frasincar, U Kaymak, GJPM Houben (2012), Temporal optimisations and temporal cardinality in the tOWL language, In International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology Volume 7 p.45-64.

M Bielecki, AJH Hidders, J Paredaens, M Spielmann, JV den Tyszkiewicz (2012), The Navigational Power of Web Browsers, In Theory of Computing Systems Volume 50 p.213-240.

Florian Daniel, Sven Casteleyn, Geert-Jan Houben (2012), Third International Workshop on Lightweight Composition on the Web (ComposableWeb 2011).

Claudia Hauff, Matthias Hagen, Anna Beyer, B. Stein (2012), Towards Realistic Known-item Topics for the ClueWeb, In IIIX'12 Proceedings of the 4th Information Interaction in Context Symposium p.274-277, ACM.

C Hauff, M Berthold, GJPM Houben, C Steiner, D Albert (2012), Tweets reveal more than you know: A learning style analysis on Twitter, A Ravenscroft, S Lindstaedt, C Delgado Kloos, D Hernández-Leo (Eds.), In Proceedings of the Seventh European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2012) p.140-152, Springer.

K Tao, F Abel, C Hauff, GJPM Houben (2012), Twinder: A Search Engine for Twitter Streams, M Brambilla, T Tokuda, R Tolksdorf (Eds.), In 12th International Conference, ICWE 2012, Berlin, Germany, July 23-27, 2012. Proceedings p.153-168, Springer.

F Abel, C Hauff, GJPM Houben, RJP Stronkman, K Tao (2012), Twitcident: Fighting Fire with Information from Social Web Stream, A Mille, FL Gandon, J Misselis, M Rabinovich, S Staab (Eds.), In WWW 2012, Proceedings of the 21st World Wide Web Conference 2012 p.305-309, ACM.

K Tao, F Abel, C Hauff, GJPM Houben (2012), What makes a tweet relevant for a topic?, M Rowe, M Stankovic, A Dadzie (Eds.), In MSM 2012, Proceedings of the workshop on Making Sense of Microposts (MSM2012), workshop at the 21st World Wide Web Conference 2012 p.49-56, CEUR-WS.