I Celik, F Abel, GJPM Houben (2011), Learning Semantic Relationships between Entities in Twitter, S Auer, O Diaz (Eds.), In Web Engineering p.167-181, Springer.
F Abel, I Celik, GJPM Houben, P Siehndel (2011), Leveraging the semantics of tweets for adaptive faceted search on Twitter, N Noy, L Aroyo, C Welty (Eds.), In The Semantic Web - Proceedings 10th International Semantic Web Conference p.1-17, Springer.
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J Sroka, P Chrzastowski-Wachtel, AJH Hidders (2011), On generating *-sound nets with substitution, B Caillaud, J Carmona, K Hiraishi (Eds.), In Proceedings 11th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design p.3-12, IEEE.
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MYS Cheung, AJH Hidders (2011), Round-trip iterative business process modelling between BPA and BPMS tools, In Business Process Management Journal Volume 17 p.461-494.
SF Cardoso de Araujo, AJH Hidders, D Schwabe, AP de Vries (2011), SERIMI - resource description similarity, RDF instance matching and interlinking, P Shvaiko, J Euzenat, T Heath, C Quix, M Mao, IF Cruz (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Ontology Matching p.-, CEUR-WS.
F Abel, Q Gao, GJPM Houben, K Tao (2011), Semantic Enrichment of Twitter Posts for User Profile Construction on the Social Web, G Antoniou, M Grobelnik, E Simperl et al. (Eds.), In The Semantic Web: Research and Applications p.375-389, Springer.
C Hauff, GJPM Houben (2011), Simulating Memory Recall in Personal Search, D Elsweiler, L Kelly, J Kim (Eds.), In Evaluating Personal Search 2011 p.5-6, ECIR.