SF Cardoso de Araujo, GJPM Houben, D Schwabe, AJH Hidders (2010), Building Linked Data Applications with Fusion: A Visual Interface for Exploration and Mapping, sn (Eds.), In ISWC-2010 Posters&Demos p.201-204, CEUR-WS.
L Hollink, M van Assem (2010), Estimating the relevance of search results in the Culture-Web: a study of semantic distance measures, K-P Fähnrich, B Franczyk (Eds.), In Proceedings of the Workshop on Web Science - Annual Meeting of the German Society for Computer Science (GI) p.447-452, Gesellschaft für Informatik.
C van den Akker, L Aroyo, A Cybulska, M van Erp, P Gorgels, L Hollink, C Jager, S Legene, L van der Meij, J Oomen, J van Ossenbruggen, G Schreiber, R Segers, P Vossen, B Wielinga (2010), Historical Event-based Access to Museum Collections, T Winkler, A Artikis, Y Kompatsiaris, P Milonas (Eds.), In Proceedings of the Workshop on Recognising and Tracking Events on the Web and in Real Life p.1-9, CEUR-WS.
E Meij, M Bron, L Hollink, B Huurnink, M Rijke (2010), Learning Semantic Query Suggestions, T Bogers, A van den Bosch, G Bouma, et al. (Eds.), In 10th Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval Workshop p.84-85, DIR.
Fabian Abel, Eelco Herder, G.J.P.M. Houben, Mykola Pechenizkiy, Michael Yudelson (Eds.) (2010), Proceedings of the International Workshop on Architectures and Building Blocks of Web-Based User-Adaptive Systems (WABBWUAS), Hawaii, USA: Architectures and Building Blocks of Web-Based User-Adaptive Systems, CEUR-WS.
Fabian Abel, Eelco Herder, Geert-Jan Houben, Erwin Leonardi (2010), Proceedings of the Workshop on Linking of User Profiles and Applications in the Social Semantic Web (LUPAS): co-located with 7th Extended Semantic Web Conference 2010 May 31, 2010, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, CEUR-WS Volume 595.
B Huurnink, L Hollink, W van den Heuvel, M Rijke (2010), Search Behavior of Media Professionals at an Audiovisual Archive: A Transaction Log Analysis, In American Society for Information Science and Technology. Journal Volume 61 p.1180-1197.
L Hollink, M van Assem (2010), Search Behavior of Media Professionals at an Audiovisual Archive: A Transaction Log Analysis, In proceedings of the Workshop on Web Science co-located with the annual meeting of the German Society for Computer Science (GI) p.-.
Florian Daniel, Sven Casteleyn, Geert-Jan Houben (2009), Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Lightweight Integration on the Web (ComposableWeb'09), CEUR-WS Volume 470.
Pieter Bellekens, Lora Aroyo, Geert-Jan Houben (2009), Semantic-Based Framework for Integration and Personalization of Television Related Media, Borko Furht (Eds.), In Handbook of Multimedia for Digital Entertainment and Arts p.59-90, Springer.