B.A. Cox, Lydia Y. Chen, J.E.A.P. Decouchant (2022), Aergia: leveraging heterogeneity in federated learning systems, In Middleware '22: Proceedings of the 23rd conference on 23rd ACM/IFIP International Middleware Conference p.107–120.

Stefanos Laskaridis, Mario Almeida, Jon Crowcroft, Ang Li, Lydia Y. Chen (2022), DistributedML 2022: Chairs' Welcome Message, DistributedML 2022 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Distributed Machine Learning, Part of CoNEXT 2022 p.II.

Isabelly Rocha, Pascal Felber, Valerio Schiavoni, Lydia Chen (2022), EDGETUNE: Inference-Aware Multi-Parameter Tuning, In Middleware 2022 - Proceedings of the 23rd ACM/IFIP International Middleware Conference p.1-14, ACM.

Rui Han, Shilin Wen, Chi Harold Liu, Ye Yuan, Guoren Wang, Lydia Y. Chen (2022), EdgeTuner: Fast Scheduling Algorithm Tuning for Dynamic Edge-Cloud Workloads and Resources, In INFOCOM 2022 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications p.880-889, IEEE.

Federico Lucchetti, Maria Fernandes, Lydia Y. Chen, J.E.A.P. Decouchant, Marcus Völp (2022), Federated Geometric Monte Carlo Clustering to Counter Non-IID Datasets.

Jianxin Zhao, Rui Han, Yongkai Yang, Benjamin Catterall, Chi Harold Liu, Lydia Y. Chen, Richard Mortier, Jon Crowcroft, Liang Wang (2022), Federated Learning With Heterogeneity-Aware Probabilistic Synchronous Parallel on Edge, In IEEE Transactions on Services Computing Volume 15 p.614-626.

Han Wu, Zilong Zhao, Lydia Y. Chen, Aad van Moorsel (2022), Federated Learning for Tabular Data: Exploring Potential Risk to Privacy, Cristina Ceballos (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE 33rd International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE) p.193-204, IEEE.

Qinglong Zhang, Rui Han, Gaofeng Xin, Chi Harold Liu, Guoren Wang, Lydia Y. Chen (2022), Lightweight and Accurate DNN-Based Anomaly Detection at Edge, In IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems Volume 33 p.2927-2942.

Bart Cox, Robert Birke, Lydia Y. Chen (2022), Memory-aware and context-aware multi-DNN inference on the edge, In Pervasive and Mobile Computing Volume 83.

Amirmasoud Ghiassi, Robert Birke, Lydia Y. Chen (2022), Multi Label Loss Correction against Missing and Corrupted Labels, In Proceedings of Machine Learning Research p.359-374.