Yujin Zhu, Zilong Zhao, Robert Birke, Lydia Y. Chen (2022), Permutation-Invariant Tabular Data Synthesis, Shusaku Tsumoto, Yukio Ohsawa, Lei Chen, Dirk Van den Poel, Xiaohua Hu, Yoichi Motomura, Takuya Takagi, Lingfei Wu, Ying Xie, Akihiro Abe, Vijay Raghavan (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) p.5855-5864, IEEE.
MacIej Styczen, Bing Jyue Chen, Ya Wen Teng, Yvonne Anne Pignolet, Lydia Chen, De Nian Yang (2022), Targeted Influence with Community and Gender-Aware Seeding, In CIKM 2022 - Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management p.4515-4519, ACM.
Amirmasoud Ghiassi, Cosmin Octavian Pene, Robert Birke, Lydia Y. Chen (2022), Trusted Loss Correction for Noisy Multi-Label Learning, In Proceedings of Machine Learning Research p.343-358.
Rui Han, Shilin Li, Xiangwei Wang, Chi Harold Liu, Gaofeng Xin, Lydia Y. Chen (2021), Accelerating Gossip-Based Deep Learning in Heterogeneous Edge Computing Platforms, In IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems Volume 32 p.1591-1602.
Rui Han, Dong Li, Junyan Ouyang, Chi Harold Liu, Guoren Wang, Dapeng Oliver Wu, Lydia Y. Chen (2021), Accurate Differentially Private Deep Learning on the Edge, In IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems Volume 32 p.2231-2247.
Bart Cox, Jeroen Galjaard, Amirmasoud Ghiassi, Robert Birke, Lydia Y. Chen (2021), Artifact: Masa: Responsive Multi-DNN Inference on the Edge, In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events, PerCom Workshops 2021 p.446-447, IEEE.
Sophie Cerf, Sara Bouchenak, Bogdan Robu, Nicolas Marchand, Vincent Primault, Sonia Ben Mokhtar, Antoine Boutet, Lydia Y. Chen (2021), Automatic Privacy and Utility Preservation for Mobility Data: A Nonlinear Model-Based Approach, In IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing Volume 18 p.269-282.
Diego Albo MartÃnez, Sharwin Bobde, Tomasz Motyka, Lydia Chen (2021), Courier: Real-Time Optimal Batch Size Prediction for Latency SLOs in BigDL, In ICPE 2021 - Proceedings of the ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering p.133-144, ACM.
Zilong Zhao, Robert Birke, Rui Han, Bogdan Robu, Sara Bouchenak, Sonia Ben Mokhtar, Lydia Y. Chen (2021), Enhancing Robustness of On-line Learning Models on Highly Noisy Data, In IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing Volume 18 p.2177 - 2192.
Nur Zincir-Heywood, Giuliano Casale, David Carrera, Lydia Y. Chen, Amogh Dhamdhere, Takeru Inoue, Hanan Lutfiyya, Taghrid Samak (2021), Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Data Analytics and Machine Learning for Network and Service Management - Part II, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management Volume 18 p.775-779.